1. Entrepreneurship is a journey: Phil Knight's story shows that building a successful business takes time, effort, and perseverance.
  2. Passion and purpose matter: Knight's passion for running and his purpose of making a significant impact drove him to build Nike.
  3. Take calculated risks: Knight took many risks, like borrowing $50 from his father to start Blue Ribbon Sports, which later became Nike.
  4. Build a strong team: Knight surrounded himself with talented people who shared his vision and work ethic.
  5. Innovation is key: Nike's innovative approach to athletic footwear and apparel helped the company stand out and succeed.
  6. Persevere through challenges: Knight faced numerous challenges, including financial struggles and legal battles, but persevered and overcame them.
  7. Stay true to your vision: Knight remained committed to his vision, even when faced with opposition and setbacks.
  8. Learn from failures: Knight learned valuable lessons from his failures and applied them to future endeavors.
  9. Stay humble and grateful: Despite his success, Knight remains humble and grateful for the opportunities he had.