Great posts in the territory the past couple days. Back home now after spending two days wandering around a hospital, waiting. Not a lot of fun and I am exhausted from the past couple days but all went well with my wife’s surgery and she is home now resting. I have to go pick up the kiddos from my parents house soon but thought I would jump on while I had a moment.
So, the NBA Finals kick off tonight and it is going to feature some fantastic guard play.
However, I am most interested in seeing if the Mavs are able to get Lively and Gafford involved in their scoring attack like they did against the TWolves. They picked up a lot of easy buckets throwing lobs to those guys and it always seemed to come at a crucial time to squash a TWolves run or late in the game. And for Boston I am interested to see how they will manage defending Luka and Kyrie late in games if it is close. Holiday played a crucial defensive role late in games against the Pacers.
Should be a great series. What are you most looking forward to in this matchup?
Sats for all, GR
Happy to hear your wife is doing well. Hang in there with dual parent duty.
Thanks. Fortunately my son is old enough to self manage so it is just the little one that will keep me busy.
I have put those day out of my mind. My wife had a few serious health scares when my daughter was young. Thankfully everything turned out fine, but those were stressful times.
Yes it was definitely stressful leading up to her surgery. We are glad it is over.
Glad to hear she's doing well bud. Thinking of you and yours 👊
Good to hear that your wife is recovering well.
I'm most looking forward to see if and how Luka and Kyrie will cook. They were amazing against the TWolves and I want to see if they can be continue to be amazing against another team with strong wing defense.
I also want to see if Tatum and/or Brown will step up their game and match/exceed Luka's and Kyrie's production. Looking forward to tonight's game!
I think they'll have to use Brown and Tatum on Luka. He's probably too big and strong for White or Holiday. That means one of their scorers will likely be getting worn out by Luka and it will be important for White or Holiday to pick up some offensive slack.
The Wolves couldn't figure out how to make Luka play defense. I'll be curious to see if Boston can get him into the action and maybe tire him out a little.
Here we go. Game on, so hyped!
Mavs seem tentative offensively
Fun start, so far. Kyrie came to play.
That mid range shot over 2 defenders was crazy hard. Then he got a hustle play and stole the ball from Brown and caused him a foul the next play. Indeed fun start so far.
Ugly first half.
Porzingis proving to be very effective both on offense and defense. Mavs have to really battle hard and play extremely well in the second half for a chance to come back from such a big hole.
Porzingis playing out of his mind. I don’t expect him to keep up this pace and I expect the Mavs will shoot better but this one might be over.
Am I smelling a Boston second half breakdown?
Single digit lead, still lots of basketball to play. Game is not over yet.
I am looking forward to the game as well. I think this Finals is the most compelling matchup since the Raps vs Warriors.
I'm glad everything went well. It's great that your parents are right there to lend a hand in these situations.
Yes having my parents close by is a big help and hopefully us being close by is a help to them too.
Prediction: this will be a short series, 5 games