I did not know that MS13 was satanic. That whole thing just goes to show the Butterfly Effect that happens when you fail to police properly back in the 80s and how far out of control it had spun.
Here's a summary I made with our Youtube Agent: TLDR: President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador discusses the transformation of his country, from being the murder capital of the world to the safest in the Western Hemisphere, through achieving peace and addressing security issues. He also talks about the return of Salvadorans from the US and the country's booming construction industry.
  • President Bukele emphasizes the importance of peace as a foundation for societal progress.
  • El Salvador has become a safe haven, with a significant number of Salvadorans returning from the US.
  • The country is experiencing a housing boom due to the influx of returning citizens.
  • President Bukele has been sought after for advice by other Latin American leaders on security and jail system reforms.


President Nayib Bukele's leadership has led to significant improvements in El Salvador, showcasing the power of prioritizing peace and security in nation-building. His insights and successes serve as a model for other countries facing similar challenges.