and I can't understand why human civilizations started around this area, so hot and dry, no sea around too. 🥵
To do with the transition from hunter-gatherer to agriculture and settled society. As you saw they were symbolic sites of meeting and huge cultural power - you don’t necessarily want that in your own backyard but somewhere neutral and where everyone can access.
Having said that the climate was more temperate in that region 10,000 years ago (during the Mesolithic) and subsequent users could have been driven or moved out and it no longer had relevance in their lives. No culture lasts forever… but their monuments might.
I hadn't read your comment, I just said the same thing but with fewer words.
No need to waste words like me :D
There is evidence that the climate and environment was not as it is today in these parts of the world
should be, because it's so hot and dry ( was up to 41c, I heard summer time could be even more )...but then locals are used to it somehow, yet me having heat rush all over.
Maybe they have strategies to cope with such condition. Thanks for laying the foundations for human progress. Just that hihi
saw this explained in the museum, in a flat place may be doable, but in hills? 🤔
Of course. And add in the use of animals, block & tackle and primitive winches.
‘Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.’ Archimedes
me imaging, it must need A LOT of them. 😂😂😂