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Preschool in my country comes with homework. The 5-year-old needs to take a photo of himself using public transport; the 1.5-year-old needs to submit her family tree with all her family members.
Which means that today, I had to pick my son up one hour earlier to make a trip to the photography shop and print out photos. Still, I try to be upbeat about it, gorging up on McDonald’s ice cream after the photo expedition. The homework itself isn’t as important as inculcating good habits in my boy to tackle his homework.
I suggest your 1.5 year old submits a curt "Nice try, fed" in response to that family tree business.
You don't want to look like a malingerer. Make the tree, redact the names, and then write "nice try, fed."
Good advice.
Will do! Then I can save money on photos. Each post costs 80 cents. Wth
Top shout!