I am aware that rewards are linked to comments , posting and zapping. But I am bit confused as not sure what really matters most. I can do the above and end up out of rewards. Then, I look at the lists and I find some stackers without posts or comments and just using a few sats, being at the top. Am I missing anything @k00b ?
On the other hand , I have noticed that when a post has more interaction, I go up in the standings.
Still trying to find out about the system, though very happy to be here as I am learning a lot too.
30 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 6 Jun
Rewards go to people based on a combination of posts/comments and zapping posts/comments.
The more people zap your posts/comments, and the more you zap posts/comments that other people like (the bigger and earlier the zap the better), the more likely you are to get rewards.
Thanks for clarifying! Will do my best!
I personally won't address the ranking system by now, for that's a whole beast that might use some holistics and doesn't really have to be perfect by the day but at least fair enough in its long term tendency. That tendency could have random noise added and would still be cool. The problem is scoring based solely on single day activity, which is very discouraging, because that ensures an overall negative tendency in both ranking and rewards in the long therm if not cared by the day, which is tiresome and haves the negative impact of forcing interactions and engagement which can take a toll in the long term and end up causing the opposite effect: repelling stackers from SN.