Happy Thursday Stackers!
Little bit more heart this week, here's Barracuda!
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Interesting, the name 'barracuda' is the name of an old Portuguese submarine
Ooooo that's fun, cool name considering a Barracuda is a predator of the sea, also it's very long and tube like ... Similar to a sub I guess.
But I believe this particular track is actually about a misogynistic, predator within the music industry at the time who they wanted to call out. It's a very very interesting track lyrically when you think of what a Barracuda is and if you apply that as a description to a person you can see that that person... Wasn't the greatest person to be around.
:) ... the name of the Portuguese submarine was definitely inspired by this fish. The Portuguese are very imaginative 😂
One more song, band to discover Thks :)
Very good. I havent heard this in a while.