Litterally just tried it,
Saw a button that said get a gave me a channel.
So now I ordered a 1mil sat channel through flow.
I'm like "Ha this routing stuff is pretty easy"
Got inbound, now I just need to figure this outbound stuff out...
Let me know if you find any tips for outbound routing.
Connected pretty easy to the nicehash node, think I just forwarded my first few payments. Saw that they were a big mover on the amboss page.
Did it all work through your order with Flow, or did you connect to other things afterwards?
So I guess its
Voltage auto inbound Amboss Magma bought 3 channels Opened channel with Nicehash = routing payments
Probably going to open another channel with a big mover Buy more magma channels I'm assuming it'll allow me to route more payments and collect more fees And I guess I need to monitor my liquidity to make sure it doesnt drain.... Well, I'm having fun Voltage workshop today at 4pm est btw
Bought a few channels on magma after the flow channel, Used the their recommended picks. Few days later I opened a channel with nicehash, woke up this morning with transactions in my forward report.... Still new to this stuff, but the process was pretty easy.