Stories Published in My Book "Para Vivir Seguros, 2.005"

If you missed the third story, you can find it here: #561613

The Case of Mrs. Rosario Ruiz

Two men climbed into Mrs. Rosario Ruiz's Grand Blazer SUV. In the back seat, in her special chair, her 10-month-old baby was sleeping. They drove around the city for a long time. Finally, they stopped in a remote area and ordered her to get out of the vehicle. Rosario Ruiz made a move to open the back door to take her child, but one of the criminals blocked her.
"No, the baby stays..."
"But... Are you crazy? That's my daughter. What are you going to do with her?"
"Shut up. That's not your problem."
Rosario Ruiz felt her blood boil. She would never leave her child in the hands of these criminals. She clung to one of the SUV's pillars. One of them, the more aggressive one, raised his Glock pistol, pressed it to her temple, and shouted:
"Back off or I'll kill you, old lady!"
Without letting go, she closed her eyes, expecting the shot and for it all to end. But her brain and fear, in milliseconds, assessed the situation and issued commands. From what she had perceived, the criminals were professional car thieves and not under the influence of drugs... After a few seconds, she opened her eyes. The man, agitated, switched the pistol to his left hand and with his right tried to pry her hands off the pillar...
"Let go, damn it!"
She managed to speak:
"You'll have to kill me... Let me have the baby... She's mine... Take everything else..."
"I'll take whatever I want..."
"Fine, but not my daughter... You'll have to shoot me... And if you kill me and take the baby, they'll hunt you down for murder and kidnapping... But if you just take the SUV, you know the police won't look for you... More than 100 cars are stolen every day... Leave me my daughter."
The second criminal, nervously looking around, climbed into the back seat, untied the baby, yanked her roughly, and handed her over.
"Take your damn kid and shut up!"
The frightened baby began to scream. Rosario Ruiz pressed her against her chest to calm her down, her legs trembling and feeling like she might vomit. She watched her SUV drive away down the lonely road. But she had her daughter.