"She feeds herself. In fact, she will push my hand away impatiently when I want to feed her (because she makes a mess of her food) but nooooo, hell hath no fury like a woman who is denied autonomy. " I keep this part to express that there are times when I think that the universe simply makes it possible for us to share the same experiences in different realities at the same time. And only sometimes on some occasions do you tend to come together with others who experience or have experienced exactly the same thing as you. Now she explained to me, wow, something similar happened to me today with my little daughter, that aspect of autonomy takes her to incredible levels and it started more or less like this, as you say, wanting to eat alone and making her mini disasters to achieve the goal. objective, while he transformed into a beast if he tried to prevent it. Today I am serving you breakfast, on some days we include chicken eggs cooked in water. To then remove their shell and eat them, he has only recently begun to do the work of removing the shell when it is a little hot which is somewhat complicated, but in the end he achieves the task, but it usually takes several minutes so he is on pace to leave tomorrow quickly to go to school, I try to help him to speed up the process and it was something dramatic, we ended up arguing and I had to speak firmly so that the situation did not get out of control, because when you fall it is an argument between opposing fronts that never stops pushing towards your criteria. Which I admit is my fault, since she does not have the same perception of time as I do, with respect to keeping schedules. So she breathed, I relaxed and calmed down and I let her finish and I remembered the Australian series "Bluey" where the parents handle everything with such great patience that it makes you want to be the fabulous puppy's apprentice. (It's an animated puppy series). She finished her breakfast and then we finished using the peels to feed a little plant we have before leaving for school with her mother. And in the end I think that it is very good that they have these skills since it is the first step to being ungovernable future bitcoiners. 💪⚡ Greetings and blessings for your little one. Thanks for sharing
lol at mini disasters.
It’s good that the two of you reconciled before she left the school. Kudos to you for putting your ego aside. From personal experience, I know it isn’t easy.
I must go n watch Bluey! It sounds like a show that I would appreciate