@Satosora I am not defending Trump. He is a shark even though some of his policies I support and would prefer him over Biden, however, the U.S. deserves better. I am not a U.S. citizen but I admire the founding values of the U.S. and hope they can get their shit together and start living them again.
That being said, I haven't looked at the research but I would not be surprised if Trump is doing shady or at least unethical things. However, believing that Biden or the Democrats are not engaging in these shady practices is misguided. The mainstream media is left leaning and pro Democrats. Just think of Sam Bankman-Fried donating to Democrats publically and to Republicans dark. Media nowadays is mainly manipulating with two tools. 1) endless repetition (hoping that a lie will eventually be seen as the truth) 2) willful omission. and in the case of Biden, a lot is happily om1000 satitted. He also had classified documents stored where they shouldn't be. No big deal. Hunter's excesses, no big deal that naughty boy. His interestes in Ukrainian companies and the war effort, no big deal.
Big state is always a swamp where scum is building up.
That is true. It would be nice for us to get a non-shady person back in office.