I also like decentralization, but to play the devil's advocate here, I would argue that centralization of "money services" is acceptable, however, centralization of "money policy" is not acceptable.
In the Fiat systems, money policy is enforced by central governments and/or central banks. This makes it easy for certain powerful people to change the qualities of everyone's money on a whim (like its supply/inflation rate).
In the Bitcoin system, money policy is enforced by the network of nodes. This makes it difficult to change the policy of everyone's money.
If you use your own node to validate your txns, then its impossible for the rules of your money to change unless you change the software running on your node.
However, economies of scale are real and free people should be able to self-organize if they trust one another in order to take advantage of scale when it comes to money services like custody and payments.
centralization of "money policy" is not acceptable.
I think I’ll agree with you!