Just remember, none of these journalist are going to retract their statements regarding "mining is dying" in 3 years when BTC is $300K.
Having said that, I do find it interesting that right as the opponents of bitcoin were starting to make a hysterical case against its energy usage: That suddenly, with perfect timing, AI + EV electrical usage appeared on their radar.
The energy demands of EV/AI will dwarf BTC energy usage by several orders of magnitude. Whatever must be done to solve those challenges (nuclear?) will wind up solving the problem for BTC along the way quite simply.
AI/BTC both benefit from being able to access stranded energy, whereas the big monster in the room - EVs - needs to deliver that power to everyone's home. Thats going to be a much tougher solution.
California can’t handle air conditioning. Last summer the governor asked people to stop charging their electric cars so people could use air conditioning.
The state has the dumbest energy policy.