The article "Looking Back At COVID's Authoritarian Regimes" by David R. Henderson criticizes the heavy restrictions on freedom imposed by the Trump administration and US governors during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, calling them authoritarian measures.[1] It argues that instead of broad lockdowns, the government could have focused resources on protecting high-risk groups like nursing home residents, which would have been a more targeted and less authoritarian approach.[1] The article suggests that officials like Dr. Deborah Birx extended lockdowns without initially having data to justify them, prioritizing their predetermined goals over evidence.[1] It contrasts this approach with the "Great Barrington Declaration" which advocated focused protection of the vulnerable rather than widespread lockdowns.[1]
I find it really disheartening that people are just going to move on from this and there will basically be no accountability for any of the criminals who ruined countless lives for no justifiable reason.
Once again, being on the side that stood up for individual liberty is looking pretty good in hindsight. If only people would make the connection and stand up for liberty when it actually matters.
Heads need to roll
13 sats \ 1 reply \ @jgbtc 3 Jun
Any mention of the extreme covid authoritarianism from the Biden regime, or is this just a Trump hit piece?
This is not a Trump hit piece
I only blame Trump for not firing Fauci and Birx
FYI: I voted for him in 2020