Today, I'd like to share some street photographs that have one thing in common: the people of this city.
You know the saying, "every head is a world," and each person has a different story. So, each of these photos tells a completely different story.
I want to start this post with the photo of the two ladies talking, accompanied by a small dog. This photo tells a story on its own also the lady's hand pointing as if giving directions is quite curious.
This gentleman can be found there every day with his sign, basically asking for money to buy food.
In Venezuela, it's very common to find these "car watchers." They usually stand along busy avenues packed with cars, keeping an eye out to make sure no one steals your vehicle. These individuals almost always have a stick in their hand.
in this city, we don't have bike lanes, so it's very common to see cyclists in the middle of traffic. It's not necessary to say that this is very dangerous.
A security guard walks towards his job.
This is a city worker responsible for keeping the streets clean. These people are unsung heroes who hardly ever get recognized
These people work as motorcycle taxi drivers, they were there talking and waiting for a customer to come along.
People wait at a public transportation stop in front of a city square. As a curious detail, those payphones scattered throughout the city are all out of service.
Despite their lack of functionality, these phone booths add a touch of vintage charm to the cityscape.
I really enjoy walking the city and taking these kinds of photos. I hope you all enjoyed these street photographs as much as I enjoyed capturing them.
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Photos or images always convey many things and the power to discover them lies with those of us who contemplate or admire them.