I’m starting to think the territory business model is fundamentally broken. Over the past few months I tried to make posts to these territories
Stocks Podcasts Chats
Only to see all three have been archived already.
The list is getting shorter and shorter. I don’t see how this is sustainable.
I wouldn't mind seeing notifications to the Salon when new territories launch (or are pulled out of archives), or are sent to the archive.
As far as territories go, I do worry about losing some of my faves, and hope they can stick around. That said, some territories overlap; when I want to talk about a podcast episode, I'm likely to look to the territory it applies to (tech, books, etc) since "podcasts" is such a broad term (and iirc, it had a high posting price). Stocks and Finance overlap as well, and while I loved Charts, it's another one like Podcasts where the contents could usually apply to another territory.
@davidw has a good post looking at how territories were doing a couple of months back, and I'm hoping we'll see more data and analysis as subterritories and other changes come down the pike.
Yeah but that’s the beauty of overlapping. Everyone is not going to catch everything and post it perfectly where it’s supposed to go. I am sure Reddit has tons of overlap but the ones that are most popular get the most interaction and activity for better or for worse.
This is not evidence of the model being fundamentally broken. It's evidence of us being really early. People are trying it out and some are finding that their territory idea didn't work out the way they hoped.
Other territories are taking form and developing really nicely.
I have my own concerns about the model being fundamentally broken, but I don't think that's what we're seeing here.
True maybe I am a bit extreme because I’m seeing territories I want to post to no longer exist so now I’m like where do I post it. But then I also think if the cost to keep a territory went down would these still be alive?
You're touching on what I think might be the fundamental problem with territories is. They have to be expensive enough to support the cost of maintaining and developing Stacker News.
100ksats per month might be too high for many territories to turn a profit, as well as being too low to support the site.
Ultimately, there will need to be some sort of pricing mechanism for territories, but the goal will be (and should be) profit maximization for SN.
181 sats \ 2 replies \ @k00b 2 Jun
Territories suck right now. We’d be working on them if we didn’t have to focus on wallets. In some ways I regret releasing them without being able to iterate on them, but on the other hand, letting the suck stew is informative.
~charts was one of our best performing territories.
Why I was shocked I couldn’t post there no more and was archived. Hopefully once the wallet work is done the focus can shift to fixing territories.
Personally I just use mine for links I want to bookmark and possibly get bitcoiners to discuss.
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 2 Jun
kr owned that one which is why it sent away.
Hopefully once the wallet work is done the focus can shift to fixing territories.
Indeed it will. A couple miles left to go, but we're well on our way now.
Bitcoin only. All the rest is noise.
This is the way.
Post in ~builders @PlebLab has been running since week 1 of launch
Did you mean Charts?
Cool, I was trying to remember if I had ever seen a chats territory lol
Stocks and charts could be one territory possibly. Charts can also fit in with Econ. Podcasts could fit nicely with music. When the chess territory archived I suggested to needcreations that he should keep it going under sports as a games sub category but he didn’t follow through.
The podcast sub was run by Oscar from fountain. I am guessing he did it more as a promotional thing.