Take that @Undisciplined. I can’t afford my rent now but I surpassed you in spending at least for one week.
You did at that.
As a person of great honor, integrity, and humility, I have no problem acknowledging defeat and celebrating your victory.
Gotta keep you in check once a quarter or so.
At least, I'll always have the older cowboy hat.
Yes. Who do you think is outzapping Koob? A hiding stacker zapped more than him last month. Likely one of the 3 hidden figures who sit at the top of the leaderboard daily. I don’t think it’s Siggy. I would guess he zaps around the same as us. He gets up there daily due to having top posts all the time and high value scores.
I always just assumed it was Siggy, but some seem to believe it's the legendary nemo. I wonder if it's even someone who's active on here. Maybe it's just a generous benefactor. K00b mentioned once that he didn't know who it was.
I've also been wondering what those top three hidden stackers are doing to get there everyday so reliably and so quickly. I don't have any explanation that wouldn't also put k00b up there. It's really weird that no one ever cracks the top 3, no matter how big their posts are.
I'm not up there because me and @ek are significantly handicapped.
Oh yeah, I do recall that being mentioned at some point.
I think I get what could be going on, then. They (and you presumably) have such high trust and zap enough that the content they zap is inevitably top content. They (and you presumably) also tend to zap each other's content, leading to that content always ranking toward the top.
I always wondered why you weren’t number 1 every day. I guess that explains it.
102 sats \ 2 replies \ @k00b OP 1 Jun
It's already embarrassing enough to be seen as the top spender on my own freaking website lol.
62 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b OP 1 Jun
At some point I need to look into the top 3 phenomenon. The rest of the leaderboard looks normal though, so I've just suspected they're all doing something virtuous that consistently. That might not be the case though.
I have no complaints. It's just something fun to speculate about.