Thanks @k00b. Again an amazing news letter! This week's biggest contribution IMO came from @leo and he deserves a huge round of applause from all of us.
Top posts are praiseworthy but it was too much of Ecash-Ecash there.
Yes, It's making me feel richer now. I'm ahead of the great @k00b in top stackers list. Just kidding! Actually, I never realised that I could ever be on that list. But I must say a huge thanks to everyone on SN for showering their love to my posts and comments with ordinary stuff.
BTW, I'm not 4th, I'm on the ⁷th but because of hiders, I'm at 4th here so a huge thanks to hiders as well. 😜
You all rock!
A special thanks to @grayruby for running the ~stacker_sports territory. Without it, I couldn't have found my groove.
Eh, I enjoyed hearing from both sides of the ecash debate. It’s an important topic for Bitcoiners these days.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.