No chance. There will be a civil war if the afd wins, but this will never happen. You can be a german after a few years when you immigrate to germany. The spd needs more votes so they push this agenda. They are even talking about hiring non german (islamic) police forces here in germany. They say afd is a right wing party, but this is not true. Real right wing partys like the npd are not allowed in germany. They say its against constitution but they have none, they have the grundgesetz, but thats just a law that can be changed and has been changed many times. In a few years germany will have sharia laws. Go to a german school and you will see that there are nearly no real german kids. Its too late to change something that is going on since 10years. Germans are emigrating while people from around the world are immigrating. If you have money the best is to leave germany, if you have no money the best is to come to germany. Some people even call it Germoney.
Funfact: Only the russian can help and only in the former russian occupied zone but they are not interested.
If you understand german watch this clip:
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