I dunno... I guess I'm thinking further out in the future.
There have been so many rug-pulls from banks and financial institutions in the past, yet no one was blaming the money. They blamed the banks.
The dollars in a bank are just numbers in a computer. They are literally just database entries. Yet, they are displayed in our banking apps as "real" dollars. I'm suggesting we do the same with mints.
Ecash is a database of sorts. Similar to my banking example above. It's just the database. And it should be treated as such, not as a new crypto.... we should drop the "ecash" term entirely.
When people get rugged by a Mint, it's not ecash's fault.... it's not the database's fault.
All apps abstract technical details from users and display what the users want to see. This is what makes a good app. Ecash is a technical detail that should be abstracted away.