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The truth is for half of my life I voted and was "engaged". The second half I have been the opposite and much happier. From where I sit I see very little change regardless of who is in power in the U.S. Both sides work for the elites. They are more similar than they are different.
You are in another country no? I REALLY don't get why people outside of the US get wrapped up in US politics. I'm not trying to be mean but many years ago I realized that the media profits off of getting everyone all worked up. Its a form of mind control. I stopped following the news. I never read it. I never watch it. Others tell me about it so I can't escape it. I don't get stressed about politics anymore. The politicians really feed off of fear and its the only tool they have left. They have run out of ideas long ago. Now its all about stopping the other guy. Preventing some dark future. Its not about a bright future. Its about controlling others. I reject that. Don't want to be about that.
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I like your perspective.
I get wrapped up in US politics not because of media but because of my personal interest in a great democracy with libertarian values. I also don't read an watch news. And, for my/your country and for all the world, I can surely say that your views are 100% correct.
That's interesting. Do you believe the US has libertarian values?
Might I recommend reading https://mises.org/library/book/democracy-god-failed. If you are interested in libertarian values and democracy you will probably enjoy it or at least find it thought provoking.