I see far too much emphasis on what people do for morning routines and not nearly enough on what people do in the evening before they go bad.
Let's talk about this and share some good inspiration for evening routines.
My usual evening routine is all about relaxing. I try to get all my work done during the day. In the evening I either go out for a drink with my friends or stay in and watch an episode of my favorite TV show, read some good books, and spend time with my family...
I try to get my work done when I can, and wind down before I sleep. I have found out if I drink alcohol, my sleep quality is not as good.
I usually read for about an hour from a book
Usually after dinner I will enjoy some time with kiddos until my daughter goes to bed and then I usually watch sports.
Similar to you I try and get all my work done while the sun is up. As the sun begins to set, I begin to settle my nervous system. I enjoy taking a hot bath, eat dinner, maybe watch an episode of a show, go offline at 11pm, read a bit, do a round of yoga nidra, and then hit the hay.