"Do users understand"..... ???
I wish we would stop talking about eCash in public at all. It's gotta be confusing the shit out of regular users.
I see ecash as a technical layer in a larger protocol. In any Mint-based App, the user should simply see how many Sats they have. They do not need to know that it's really eCash.
I have not used Fedimint yet, but I've done a lot of reading on it. I'm praying as hard as I can to Odin himself that when I open the Fedi app for the first time I DO NOT SEE ANY MENTION OF ECASH! I hope the devs are not that stupid. It's part of the protocol, but it should be abstracted away from users just like the layers of the internet, and even fiat banks, are abstracted away from the users. Just show me my Sat balance and let me send it cheaply, privately, and fast, for fuck's sake.