It's not necessarily advice, but Bitcoin has allowed me to focus more time and effort on optimizing my health which at the end of the day for me is more important than having all the money in the world. After you stack a certain amount, whatever that may be, I think the purpose of Bitcoin in comparison to fiat is that there is a point where your stack is enough, in the sense that your stack will never be debased like fiat savings do. Which allows one to have the time to think of things outside of money and making more money. In the fiat realm, we are forced into having to constantly think about money because we are forever chasing an infinite supply, whereas Bitcoin is perfectly scarce, so you know whatever stack you accumulate will always maintain and protect that monetary value. Therefore, giving one time to put effort and work into things that aren't about making money but more about bringing meaning and fulfillment into one's life, which for me is to better my overall health day in, day out. Plus as your health improves, your capacity to do more increases, meaning you also have more ability to work, meaning you'll eventually start making more money as a result. Given you're 20, health might not concern you as much, but, when it comes to optimizing your health, the earlier you start the bigger advantage you'll have over others without a doubt, health compounds. Plus, we need all Bitcoiners, young and old, to be as healthy as can be so we can lead by example. All the best!
Thank you! Inspiring reply!