I imagine even with a program it's going to be hard due to network latency etc.
But I'm going to write a script to verify timestamps!
Off the bat, you have a 1/1000 chance of winning unassisted.
With a program you could have it post 30ish times, and get the difference between the submission time and server time to find out network latency. Get the 95% confidence interval of all those trial latencies and start posting that much time before the beginning of the next second. Should take about 20 tries after that depending on the variance.
hhhmm...interesting. I guess we have to wait and see if someone wins.
Want to bet?
What kind of bet are we talking about?
1000 sats \ 10 replies \ @ek OP 30 May
I think no one will win within 3 days. We can bet 1k sats and you say if you think it's going to be before or after that. I'm going to take the opposite side.
There is 1k. I think someone will get it within 3 days. COME ONE SLACKERS, DONT LET ME DOWN!
10 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek OP 30 May
lol, you didn't had to proof you own 1k sats by giving them to me already
But I'll simply give you 2k sats if you win now
The bet is on!
It will work out. If I win you can give me 2k. If I lose you can keep the 1k. Plus it was fun to push it so many times haha
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek OP 30 May
I just verified your timestamps and got worried about you winning on accident haha
If enough people participate it's going to be an easy bet for you since the chance to win is 1/1000 for each reply. The real chance is even higher since that assumes you reply at random times.
But I think most people don't care enough to try enough times
Is there an API that can be used to post comments from a script? I think I might be able to swing it.
10 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek OP 30 May
There is stacker.news/api/graphql which shows you the schema of our GraphQL API but that's all documentation we provide. You have to add your cookie to the request headers to get authenticated API access.
May I have API access? I'd like to try my hand at this problem.
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek OP 30 May
But as mentioned, it's possible with cookies, just less convenient.