What a word diarrhea...
Hey author, the word "epistemic" means that if you can make predictions and they come true, then your epistemology is cool. It doesn't mean "hey let's make more collectivism". In the woke universities you can write any crap that says "let's replace capitalism with communism" and you'll get a pat on the head and maybe a bunch of nice-looking but meaningless credentials. However, this has nothing to do with anything epistemic or scientific, no matter what the university might tell you.
the radical individualism of the sovereign individual model risks undermining the foundations of a democratic society by suggesting that individuals can and should be able to opt out of traditional forms of political and social obligation in favor of self-selected digital communities, the sovereign individual thesis weakens the bonds of mutual responsibility and collective action essential for addressing complex global challenges
The "traditional forms of political and social obligation" require the wokes to at least not sabotage the decrees of elected president Trump. And do they do it? Of course not. "We won't let Trump vaxx us with the untested vaccine!" - remember that? But when someone wants some individual liberty - oh no! but our democratic society!
The individuals can, in fact, opt out of "political and social obligation" - specifically, if you want my taxes, then you're a thief and fuck you. (Please address further questions about taxation to DarthCoin.) So "Sovereign Individual" tells the truth. If the foundations of your precious society can be undermined by simply pronouncing the truth then your society sucks.
By presenting technological change as an autonomous and inevitable process, it downplays the role of human agency and democratic decision-making in shaping the future, Most importantly, it means insisting on the primacy of democratic deliberation and collective decision-making in guiding the trajectory of technological development.
(lots and lots of crap that suggests that scientific discoveries are determined by elections)
Who exactly voted for the virus capability research? When did we get to vote on researching fusion? etc... It's all nonsense. Research never worked like that.
We get it Mike. You don't like the book.