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Hey stackers,
I have taken up writing as a hobby lately and starting to really enjoy it.
My entire backlog is full of ideas of things to write about.
That said, what are some essay / discussion topics you would like to be researched or written about?
Can be about any topic - just looking for ideas.
IMO, just don't overthink too much write what you think your mind and heart can align with.
I've also taken up writing as a hobby and my very short experience says that you should experiment with various things before establishing under a niche.
Why do you feel an urge to write? Why do you think you have something important to say,? Explain. Why should we care?
What are the mental and emotional and physical challenges you faced while embracing minimalism? And how you overcame them?
Cultural insights that you have gained as a result of your travels. Go on, make me jealous!
Teach us something only you (or very few people) know.
Have you been thinking about how to write about growing vegetables at home? I'm still educating myself
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+1 @Tristan, have a try.