Betweenness-centrality allows to optimize fees for well-connected node while minimizing potential decrease in routing volumes.
How to maximize LN fees while preserving as high payment flow as possible?".
Pretend I'm blind and cannot see the chart. What is it telling me? I ask because I can see the chart but am not sure what I am supposed to gather from it.
There is certain in-elasticity across all payment sizes. This is why with growing proportional fee betweenness-centrality decreases rapidly. But if we look more carefully at larger payments starting from 1M sats, betweenness-centrality doesn't really drops between 2 and 8 sats per million. This is the place where we could maximize fee revenue and this is especially good because we measured it for very large payments.
I am sorry I wasn't clear because my intention was to write just fast. I couldn't spend more time on this post, sorry.
That helped me understand it better, thank you!