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No one in particular in mind, just wondering if it's possible.
Some might want to block certain users to keep this place a positive space!
echo chambers within an echo chamber... now that's based
🎯 This guy gets it, lol leave that fiat thinking for reddit
Fiat thinking is allowing anything to go, whoever has the most vitriolic in-your-face shit will rise to the top. It's all about NOW.
Bitcoin thinking allows only the most thoughtful, and positively good for all to rise to the top. It is future-oriented. It incentivizes meaningful conversation, not trolls.
Which is why I'd like to block certain people that are commenting about "how much more" they have than me, calling me a shitcoiner, etc, instead of more positive things.
Hardly an "echo chamber"..
man, only looking to your posts history and say it all... shitcoining https://stacker.news/F/posts
Start being a bitcoiner and get my sats as reward.
I don't see anything about my posts that relays how i'm a shitcoiner at all. And I keep telling you i'm not but you keep following me and reminding me of something that i'm not.
Makes me thing, whether subs should actually be called "chambers" :) @k00b
LOL and private posts in there can be called "echos" would you like to echo in this chamber?
On a different note, we should be able to delete our posts or comments. Please.
I like that you can't, it gives people time to think about what they plan to say
Interesting point…
I like it 😂
I saw a few spammers in comments!
This might be where a downvote feature would be helpful. The algorithm could raise the cost to post for those with more downvotes.