Separating money from state is the single most effective way to stop all wars from happening, everywhere, and that is something we can all actively participate in, right now.
Yelling at a problem won’t make it go away.
“It is no coincidence that the century of total war coincided with the century of central banking.”Ron Paul
“It is the ability of governments to acquire money without direct taxation that makes modern warfare possible, and a central bank has become the preferred method of accomplishing that.”G. Edward Griffin
“The government created the national banking system during the Civil War.”Michael D. Bordo ("A Brief History of Central Banks," published on the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland website, 2007)
“Why did nations start central banks? To finance the materiel needs of the nation-state in time of war.”Brian Domitrovic (“Central Banking's Connection To Warfare Is Intimate,” published on Forbes, 2018)
“War... is harmful, not only to the conquered but to the conqueror.”Ludwig von Mises
“War is a profitable venture for the banking elite, as it allows them to finance both sides and profit from increased debt.”G. Edward Griffin (“The Creature From Jekyll Island,” 1994)
“Again, coinage saw its greatest debasement during times of war and uncertainty.”“Roman currency” Wikipedia article
“Nobody should have money but I, so that I may bestow it upon the soldiers."Caracalla (the Roman Emperor from 198 to 217 A.D., who raised his soldiers' pay by 50%, doubled the inheritance tax, admitted almost every inhabitant of the empire to Roman citizenship (for tax collection purposes, of course) and subsequently resorted to debasing both the silver and gold coins). Sources: Jeff Desjardins (“Currency and the Collapse of the Roman Empire,” The Money Project), “Caracalla” Wikipedia article
“To defeat the aggressors is not enough to make peace durable. The main thing is to discard the ideology that generates war.”Ludwig von Mises
“It’s a great business to be in - central banking. We print money and people believe it.”Adrian Orr (Governor of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, February 2024)
“Politics can affect things temporarily and locally, but technology is what drives things forward globally and permanently.”Lyn Alden (“Broken Money,” 2023)
Study the history of money. Study Bitcoin.
Also, don’t buy government bonds, t-bills, t-notes or any other type of government debt, no matter what your financial advisor or favorite macroeconomics guru is telling you. It’s just another way of feeding the same beast.
And what we need to do is starve the beast.
This is just one of the many reasons why “separation of money and state” is such a critical issue at this point in history.
Stay safe and stay sane, my friends. Don’t succumb to the hate. ☮️ & ❤️, Kontext /// May 29, 2024, published at block height 845,667
Oh I forgot to mention. Since this short piece is more aimed at the ones who don't yet fully get Bitcoin or why it's so important in the historical context, I also published it on a couple of more "normie"-centric platforms: Medium: Substack:
Since I can't edit the post anymore, adding this classic insight in the comments: Source: New York Tribune, December 4, 1921
“The essential evil of gold in its relation to war is the fact that it can be controlled. Break the control and you stop war."Henry Ford
Also on nostr:
Separating money from state is the single most effective way to stop all wars from happening, everywhere, and that is something we can all actively participate in, right now.
"....Also, don’t buy government bonds, t-bills, t-notes or any other type of government debt, no matter what your financial advisor or favorite macroeconomics guru is telling you. It’s just another way of feeding the same beast...."
There is a war going on inside of us between good and evil (good and bad wolf), which one will win, one might ask? The one you feed...!
ETFs do not accomplish this end.
The government will steal trillions, mix, and funnel them to cronies. Then charge you with money laundering for not using their money.
I've been reading a lot about the topic: is a good reference.
I think that it's always good to remind ourselves that the modern nation-state is more or less an invention focused on gathering warfighting populations with enough state-issued money to fund wars. Yes, there was an idea to extend this sort of thinking to government-sponsored bubbles in healthcare, education, and savings - but at its root, centralizing war innovation, war purchases, and war-fighting has always been at the root of the state.
We all know this. The other way to end war that bitcoiners miss is by advancing technology broadly as this decreases the percentage of GDP that is attributable directly to geographic natural resources. I wrote about this recently.
Yeah, we do. Most don't. This is more aimed at the ones who don't yet fully grasp the implications of Bitcoin, the historical context, and tend to think that either protests or virtue signalling on social media or politician X, Y or Z would "solve" this. Interesting article BTW, thanks for sharing. I might write a follow up at some point as well where I go a bit deeper into how BTC fixes this - energy abundance and dematerialization of the values assigned to physical assets are certainly at the crux of it. This time around, I wanted to focus more on how the current system is broken, and always has been. Cheers!
Separating money from state is the single most effective way to stop all wars from happening, everywhere.
I totally agree with you. Money is the root of all fights in the world
i'd rather say facilitator or tool or something like that. The "root" has been religion or water or women before
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