Glory days of Fold card returning 2-5+% were amazing.
Still using it to get an additional 0.5% BTC back off of my Citi card (and tax) payments, but it's not like the good old days...
The double stack days from 2-3 years ago were wild... I remember the AR game thing they had for a bit and how you could double dip on your gift card purchases (also Amazon gift cards for the Spin+ people were 5% instead of 2.5%)....
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @gmd 29 May
Pretty sure I remember going to Safeway and getting $75 in free groceries on one spin... good times. It's been really nice seeing the balance balloon during the past year.
Yeah I dont remember what gift card it might have been but the app says my biggest stack on a purchase was 84,202 sats! Geez those days were nice....