at least you have a promissory note
There's 0 difference, but this asinine standard the signed SSL packet with a balance response from WoS is also prom note
A mint doesn't even have a concept of an "account"
Wrong, every creation event is subject to the attacks I already mentioned. This also ignores the fact that WoS keys can be ephemeral, you can have 1 or many, they only know what you tell them.
Regarding WoS keys, they'd also be subject to analysis attacks similar to the ones you describe.
Regarding mints, WoS keys are always linked to a balance. Mint tokens require a lot of work to associate, if it's possible at all.
linked to a balance
PARTS of a balance, not necessarily a whole balance, not unlike each new minting event
Mint sees what channel sats came into and how much, it sees when they go out and how much... same thing WoS sees... the arbitrary numbers on a token or in a record are equal
OK, so do you admit that ecash isn't worse than WoS?
Inherently? No
Practically? Yes
Keep in mind that the scammers and spooks aren't pushing ECash as an authentication scheme, they're pushing it as a payment spec... this is an attack on Bitcoin and thus much worse than WoS
How so? It's no worse than trading pre-loaded WoS accounts.
they're pushing it as a payment spec
Then I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "payment spec".
Imagine you're at a farmers market and want to buy a thing
"Bitcoin/Lightning Accepted Here"
You go to scan the QR with your lightning wallet at the PoS, low and behold its some trash fiat spec your wallet can't pay because it's not really Lightning
Or it's extra slow because of the swap/settlement between mints
Or it fails because of all the added complexity overlaid in settlement
This adds friction, confusion, and general bifurcation of the network effect of Lightning