You read it incorrectly lmao
🔁 : 2 way swap ◀️/▶️ : one way swap
You can always swap onchain to liquid to onchain again (it uses Sideswap). It also swap LN to liquid (by default) but later it can spend your LBTC as LN sats by using Boltz. I'm not steelmanning any Liquid related stuff anymore btw
It has native support for Onchain & Liquid
See this post which i also used the same logic
Are you affiliated with this wallet or any company making business behind it? Am not sure why you support this custodial bunco...
Bcs i'm just interested in curating softwares ?
We can’t have a discussion about aqua and liquid with the darth circle jerkers
I’m affiliated with Blockstream
Are you affiliated with Darth circle jerk?
I think he is just clarifying some misunderstandings myself and others had regarding the feature set. I didn't take it as promoting it.