Key Tweaking/Tainted rounds
Hmm, that's a fair point. Is anybody here familiar enough with the Cashu or Fedimint protocols to say whether or not this is a concern?
Pattern Matching/Behavioral/Heuristics
How so? All the mint ever knows is that someone is redeeming one token in exchange for another or in exchange for the payment of a lightning invoice.
Destination Blacklists
In this case, someone else could run a gateway connected to the same mint.
Spending Limits and Controls
This is only possible for outgoing lightning, AFAICT. Internally, the only thing that happens is trading one token for another. This could be limited, though.
Side-Channel Attacks
Not sure what they are.
Fee Manipulation
Again, only a problem when exchanging to lightning.
I'm not saying that ecash is trustless, but it's better than custodial lightning wallets.
Is anybody here familiar enough
No, the implementations are all larps borrowing open libraries they don't understand
in exchange for the payment of a lightning invoice
Ingest of that invoice requires other metadata
someone else could run a gateway connected to the same mint
The mint is the chokepoint, daisy chaining them just makes it worse
This is only possible for outgoing lightning
No shit, what else are the shitcoins good for?
Not sure what they are.
ECash relies on ignorance to proliferate
it's better than custodial lightning wallets
No it isn't, it is custodial completely, with worse overhead, and is an attack on Lightning's network effect as a payment spec