I have a pretty regular routine, even more so since I'm in season right now for football. So I like having certain habits set in place so I'm able to balance work, recovery, and rest. I try and get all of the mentally or physically taxing work done before the sun begins to set. I wake up, then lately I've been doing this thing where I'll set a timer immediately after waking for 15 minutes and during this time I'm not allowed to touch any digital device. During those 15 minutes I'll start with reading the daily excerpt of The Daily Stoic and read through my yearly affirmations. Then I'll usually use the restroom, brush my teeth, and then do a few breath hold walks which I do for intermittent hypoxic training, simply put it's a practice that can enhance your respiratory system and overall health and fitness. And soon afterwards the timer usually goes off, so from there I begin my day, write out my to do list and start knocking them out one by one. I would say I've become quite adaptable, and through experience I've learned to build habits that can be done regardless of where I am instead of them being kind of location dependent. Like breath holds are a form of hormesis that can literally be done anywhere. And setting a timer to have 'snacks' of offline time throughout the day can be also done wherever, whenever.
How do you read The Daily Stoic if you are not using your phone?
I love how you schedule offline time so that you won’t feel guilty about not being productive all the time