A gift card is not an "account"
Yes it is
People just trust institutions
That doesnt justify affinity scamming ECash with Bitcoin, it doesnt even make better custodians... that narrative is just a scam
mess with liquidity and onchain fees and balancing
That's already automated even in shitwallet like mobile apps, also doesn't need to be everyone... a custodian of 100 or so extended family members is absolutely achievable
LSPs will be institutionalized
Wrong again, bootstrap peers will displace LSP's using nostr as a social graph and marketplace
Also your projection has nothing to do with whether or not ECash is a scam. Cope harder
still better than plain text transaction logs of users
In your imagination, but they are effectively the exact same. The cryptographic theater doesn't change the fact a custodian has countless ways, both known and unknown, to gain insights
By portraying ECash as better, you're lying yourself right into another trap... ECash is the real rat poison
What's the difference between this system and, say, an ecash mint?
An ECash mint can be used in free banking, that does not mean it's inherently free banking
ECash is exactly like banknotes, that's the scam... it'll be used by the US Treasury and capture Bitcoin just like the central banks used notes to capture Gold
Centralization will always trend this way, hense decentralization is paramount above all else.. and that ain't aligned with ECash
What can we do? Build better tools for self custody
Yea, not ECash