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Clue 3. Feeling pretty confident about overall solution method and I think I have 1 and 2 figured out, just not sure how to get the answer out of 3
Did the picture help at all?
Hmm… not yet
I used Dalle-2 to edit together the painting, here's some of the pics I didn't use, maybe they will help
Are the color squares at the bottom intentional, or just automatically generated with DALL-E?
Btw, nice photo editing skills to put all of these together. Looks sick.
That's Dalle-2 signature basically, it's there whenever you generate an image, and thank you. Dalle does most of the work tho lol
Hate to say it, but I’m still stumped on 3. I get what the picture is supposed to be, but I’m not sure how it’s supposed to help me crack the next piece of the puzzle (XX 22 30, XX 07 30, etc). Definitely don’t want you to give it away, but if it’s possible to drop another hint that might be helpful. If not no worries - will keep trying to make sense out of it as I have time to do so.