Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Some of you motherfuckers never read “Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius and it shows.
Hey stackers, does anyone knows where can I work freelance without lots of exp? I'm looking for a way to earn some money while I'm looking for a job. I'm already doing transcription for Bitcoin Transcripts
The traffic between yesterday and today was so different. Did anyone else hear the David Lynch announcement for June five?
What's the David Lynch announcement?
Oh... so it's an announcement of an announcement. Gotcha.
Breedlove left his wife and daughter for a sex worker?
Only fans lol
Final speed workout before my 5k this weekend!
Day 123 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow, 28 pike; Total: 156 (Day 227 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 126 of 120+ pushups per day)
Good morning stackers.
Day 121 of 100 push ups till $100k completed.
Quick dead hang update. In my third week of hanging everyday now. I was at the playground with my little one last night while I waited for my 2 older kids to have art class. I decided to do my dead hang at the playground, and to my surprise, I was able to hang for 2m10s (breaking my goal of 2m), where at home, my max was only 1m42s. The difference was the size of the bars. It seems the smaller bar at the playground helped me get a better grip so I was able to hang for longer. I tested my theory when I got home and confirmed it with a hang time of only 1m31s. I did not think the slight difference in the bar size would make such a big difference, but now I know.
Good morning, Wow 2m10s is very good timing for dead hang. I will try and update you for mine.
The smaller bar helped a lot. I think it was only about 1/4 inch difference in diameter, but that seems to make a huge difference.
Thanks for telling me your secret. I will definitely going to use thin bar.
122 days of 100 push ups a day until 100k down. Undetermined to go. 118 days of 100 squats a day until 100k down. Undetermined to go.
Good morning, you should try Dead Hang, just like @gnilma.
Irritates my shoulder unfortunately. I had a rotator cuff injury from pitching many years ago and mostly it never bothers me unless I try to pitch or do things like dead hang, pullups. I do like to do the dead hang but I can only do it in short bursts otherwise it feels like the cartilage in my shoulder is tearing (it's probably actually scar tissue stretching so maybe it is good to push it but I haven't tested that)
There’s a therapeutic exercise I like that may be applicable (if you’re interested)
With a yoga block flat on the hand of the affected arm, gently move the hand/block in an inward/outward motion, as if you were holding a pizza box and trying to serve pizza to everyone around you while only moving the hand/arm. To “lock” the upper arm in close to the body and only perform this with the lower arm/hand may get closer to the rotator cuff if I remember correctly.
Thanks for the recommendation. I will give it a shot.
Oh, I'm very sorry to hear that. Take care of your health
Oh I am fine. As I said it never bothers me. Only a few things irritate it. I am sure if I slowly built it up I could do the dead hangs without pain.
hhhmm..I missed being quick on commenting here. My mind wasnt in the game. Next time.
GM ⚡🧡☕
Stack Sats and stay humble
🇺🇸 Good morning 🇪🇸 Buenos días 🇫🇷 Bonjour 🇩🇪 Guten Morgen 🇮🇹 Buongiorno 🇵🇹 Bom dia 🇷🇺 Доброе утро 🇯🇵 おはよう 🇰🇷 좋은 아침 🇨🇳 早上好 🇮🇳 सुप्रभात 🇧🇩 সুপ্রভাত 🇸🇦 صباح الخير 🇹🇷 Günaydın 🇻🇳 Chào buổi sáng 🇳🇱 Goedemorgen 🇬🇷 Καλημέρα 🇵🇱 Dzień dobry 🇹🇭 สวัสดีตอนเช้า 🇮🇱 בוקר טוב 🇭🇺 Jó reggelt 🇨🇿 Dobré ráno 🇫🇮 Hyvää huomenta 🇸🇪 God morgon 🇳🇴 God morgen 🇩🇰 God morgen 🇷🇴 Bună dimineața 🇺🇦 Доброго ранку 🇸🇰 Dobré ráno 🇧🇬 Добро утро 🇷🇸 Добро јутро 🇭🇷 Dobro jutro 🇸🇮 Dobro jutro 🇱🇹 Labas rytas 🇱🇻 Labrīt 🇪🇪 Tere hommikust 🇲🇹 Bonġu 🇮🇸 Góðan daginn 🇵🇭 Magandang umaga 🇮🇩 Selamat pagi 🇲🇾 Selamat pagi 🇰🇪 Habari za asubuhi 🇮🇷 صبح بخیر 🇵🇰 صبح بخیر 🇪🇹 እንደን ጎማሬ 🇳🇵 शुभ प्रभात 🇱🇰 සුභ උදෑසනක් 🇲🇲 မင်္ဂလာပါ 🇨🇿 Dobré ráno 🇬🇭 Maakye 🇺🇾 Buen día
you know what mourning means, right?
?like new day for cattle
I didn't know, but now I do.
148 sats \ 4 replies \ @ek 28 May
I just realized we don't mention that feeds are personalized in the FAQ. No wonder people are surprised.
A good explanation and making sorting by top use the global rank is on my TODO list for today.
I don't think more than half of the Stackers have read the FAQs :)
@grayruby suggested that it should be possible to see the rankings (anon) without logging out. I think that's a good improvement.
I think a greater issue is that people read the FAQ on day 1 when a lot of it goes over their heads, but on, say, day 15 (when the info there is actually useful), they've long forgotten it.
92 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 28 May
I don't think more than half of the Stackers have read the FAQs :)
I agree but it's at least an authoritative source to which stackers can point to instead of explaining it over and over again
even though I like to read how stackers explain to each other how SN works since we're pretty bad at it haha
@grayruby suggested that it should be possible to see the rankings (anon) without logging out. I think that's a good improvement.
Yep, that's what I intend to do. However, I might simply replace your own view with the global view for top. The UI/UX for switching between personal and global is not clear to me and I think global is more relevant, especially for contests.
Let me know what you think 👀
I agree with everything you're saying
Good morning everyone!!! Tuesday is here and the week is starting great, all seems to be in order and working top notch so let's keep the momentum going my friends, this isn't over just yet so let's show the week who's the big honcho, we've got this!! May your day be phenomenal and successful, let the positivity guide you and ask the universe to show you an incredible day, I wish you a profitable and lovable Tuesday. I believe in you and I'm proud of you, keep it up. As always, be well and stay frosty gang!!
Good morning 🌞
The flower of the magnolia tree. It smells so good.
Day 162 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 293 sats on 27May2024! Running total: 95,991 sats!
It's customary for teachers in Singapore to submit their reflections after a lesson observation or presentation. Thought I would share mine here. Even a 10 sat zap would contribute towards my beer money haha.
Initially, I was apprehensive that my sharing won't be insightful to my participants, so I was immensely relieved to find out that most teachers had just used MetaAI and/or ChatGPT. This meant that my sharing would be deemed invaluable to my fellow teachers. Since I have not presented for a Virtual Meet session for two years, nerves got the better of me - and I sounded high on adrenaline. I actually neglected the fact that my teacher audience would send me PMs via the chat function. So, I missed out quite a fair bit of their enquiries. I'm sorry about that! The second time round, I was more composed and took my time to explain the features of each Gen AI tool clearly. I didn't see a flurry of PM messages, so this must have meant that I have improved as a presenter! Nonetheless, I really had fun interacting and exchanging ideas with fellow teachers about English teaching, such as Voices at Play, Universal Design, features of Diffit that I had missed out on. The participants also made me aware of this tool called Poe; I will spend the June holidays exploring this tool.
Dangers of gardening in Northeast US- I started feeling itchy and irritated on two spots on the side of my body a few days ago. Turns out two engorged ticks were doing Dracula on me. My wife got them off. A few hours later the telltale lyme circles appeared. So off to urgent care. Now I'm on full lyme protocol for 21 days. The antibiotics are making a mess of my digestive system. Other than that, all is well.
Oof. Ticks are one of my big fears (though so far, it's only the dog who's had to deal with them). Glad you caught them quickly -- hoping for a quick recovery.
I think I don't show them enough respect. As a kid we spent summers in what amounted to a shack in the woods. Picking off ticks was routine, but no one even thought about diseases.
Hope you have a very rapid recovery.
Get well soon
Hope you recover soon and well!
Hope you have a fast recovery!
Thanks. It's pretty common around these parts. The worst part is the antibiotics. Nausea.
Had a couple of run ins as well…. Goes undiagnosed for a lot of people so best to get on the antibiotics.
Hey, I have gone down the late 60s/early 70s westerns path. I loved those movies as a kid. Watched Jeremiah Johnson. The casual violence and death kind of surprised me. Also the spaghetti westerns. I watched Once Upon A Time In The West.
Yep. I had a dog get it about 10 years ago. Undetected for a while until he got very lethargic. Even for him the antibiotics prevented any long term problems.
I have seen at least two people get very sick over the long term. Courtesy of herds of deer dropping ticks as they wander about apparently.
My wife had an undiagnosed case. She also has MS, so the symptoms might have been masked
Yeah - I have heard similar with other long term illness masking it
Get well quick, @siggy47!
Get well soon, we need you here at SN 😉
Thanks. I'm fine. I'll tell you, though. Those engorged tickets are scary looking creatures.
When extreme scarcity meets insatiable demand.
Howdy everyone! Day 19 of my 10000 steps daily challenge. Hope you have a great day ahead!
A shared thought stream from which words take flight and the hand is moved to write. This song is neither mine nor yours but emerges from this that we all emerges from this fountain that weaves a delight with the very words that keeps some prisoners and gives some wings...This tapestry that love weaves is the story of you, me and we...and yet as the cloth emerges from the weavers loom there is no longer a you or a me or even a we…
Good day to all, my Stacker friends. A smile costs nothing and brings cheer to both the giver and the receiver. 😊😜
Day 30 of posting till next Bitcoin halving
First month!
Day 409 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
282 sats \ 2 replies \ @Lux 28 May

Special Appearance

The courts operate under a system of “voluntary submission”, and require your consent.
When questioned why you have appeared before the court, usually by the simple action of asking your name, they are trying to get you to “consent” to a general appearance, resulting in the “acceptance” of their jurisdiction and loss of your sovereign status.
An appearance in court may be either general or special:
  • General: is a simple and unqualified or unrestricted submission to the jurisdiction of the court.
  • Special: is a submission to the jurisdiction for some specific purpose only, not for all the purposes of the suit.
Meaning, a general appearance is made where the defendant waives defects of service and submits to the jurisdiction of the court.
Whereas a special appearance is for the purpose of testing, or objecting to, the sufficiency of service or the jurisdiction of the court over the defendant or respondent, without submitting to such jurisdiction.
Very informative. Learning a lot from you.
Went to Singapore Sports School to attend a workshop titled Navigating the AI Tidal Wave and configured a ChatGPT custom bot. This school is kind enough to let us use its ChatGPT 4.0 accounts for one month! Also enjoyed looking at its facilities.
If only my life could be so interesting every day - exploring new places and meeting new people
Wow very good. Did you swim in it??
Nice views from the pool!
Lucky swimmers, right? Haha
Freedom asks love: -I gave you wings, what have you done with them, and are you walking again? -I still have them, but whenever I put them on, I lose my way. -Oh, that's too bad! Because for the heights where you deserve to be, you can only go with my wings...
Day 3 of my daily posting journey, after I ran out of food and had to trade my hat for supplies. previously: #552904 🤠⚡

131 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 28 May
That's so true!
We don't see reality, we see our reality!
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