As I've gotten into writing more regularly, I've realized the majority of my 'writing' comes from typing things up on my laptop. It's my preferred method of writing as I find it faster to do but also kind of therapeutic being able to see my thoughts being transferred onto something visible and structured in real time. However, being that I probably type more than 95% of the time compared to physically writing pen to paper, I got curious and did a little bit of research on what may be the advantages and disadvantages of both. It would seem the primary difference is typing offers a faster and more time efficient way to write things out, whereas traditional writing is better suited for brain stimulation and development in regards to better memory retention, focus, and creativity. I don't know if I'll ever go 50/50 with my physical writing to typing ratio, however, with what I have just learned, I do feel it would only serve to benefit my life and overall writing ability if I increase the amount of physical writing I do on a regular basis.
Do stackers type or write more, or is it somewhere in between? And why so?
I type more but I like to write my ideas and task lists with pen and paper.
There’s something about striking off a task on my to-do list that makes me happy.
In regard to typing, I type almost exclusively on my mobile, unless I’m doing something for work. One time, my colleague exclaimed, “How can you type so fast with your fingers?!” 🤷‍♂️
I like to write with pen and paper. Because I think the mobile may be damaged. What is written on paper can be saved for a long time
I much prefer typing words, but whenever I have some math to do I like to write it out.
Couldn't tell you the last 3 things I used a pen/pencil for XD
I feel ya! Whenever I have to suddenly use a pen to write in some official documents at the hospital or at customs at the airport, my hand starts shaking lol
I prefer writing more but after discovering SN, Im more of a typist.
Ahh yes, SN can have that effect!
I get frustrated when I have to write on my cell phone. My fingers just arent designed to push the small buttons on the screen. I dont know how people can do it, I am deleting things left and right because my fingers are too big!
I don't have big fingers but I still know what you mean! Man some people are so fast and smooth with it, it's incredible!