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100 sats \ 2 replies \ @DarthCoin 6 Aug 2022 \ on: 5 Ways to Earn Sats in the Bitcoin Lightning Network Economy bitcoin
Why not work for bitcoins?
In 2017 I informed all my clients:
- from now on you will pay me in BTC and you get 10% discount
- if you still want to pay in fiat, bank account transfer etc, you will have to pay 10 + more and in max 3 months I will cease to offer my services to you. Change your financials or say goodbye. No more fiat accepted.
- offer them the option to pay through https://bitwage.com - great and easy solution for transition
Some accept it, some not. I don't give a shit about those nocoiners. HFSP
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+200 sats to you.
You are always pushing for bitcoin circular economy and that is for me the way forward.