I signed up with Bitcoin Co. today.
I have used Bitrefill before - it worked totally fine buying a giftcard so I could buy groceries from a local supermarket.
The plan with Bitcoin Co. is to use SN rewards to buy some classic Bitcoin books however so far I haven't worked out which brands I can use. They don't appear to have any brands for books?!
Have any of you used Bitcoin Co. what did you buy and what was your experience? Thanks.
I've used both, and they both generally work the same (and @cryotosensei has already summed up a lot). Only things I can add are that A) Bitcoin Co is BTC-only (so if you don't want to support a company that also deals in eth, etc, that's a difference maker), and B) BitRefill tends to have a wider selection of vendors available (though I haven't checked on books specifically).
Thanks. 🙏 Actually I’ve just realised that Bitcoin Co. has National Book Tokens so I’ll give that a try and see if I can easily use the token online.
  • Bought food takeout vouchers with the Bitcoin Company
  • Go download the Bitcoin Company app. It gifts you 1000 sats for bookmarking your favourite brands
  • I like the Bitcoin Company more than Bitrefill because the former gives me more cashback rewards. Also, I can use the rewards to offset my next purchase. This is unlike Bitrefill, in which I must accumulate the cashback up to a certain amount before I can use it to buy a gift card.
  • The Bitcoin Company also has a more lucrative referral scheme haha.
  • The advantage of Bitrefill is that it allows me to buy a higher amount of the gift card I want. The Bitcoin Company lets me buy at most $15 worth of the food takeout voucher.
  • I wrote a comparison article if you are keen to read more: #541208
15 dollars is low
That's great, thanks for your detailed reply. I've checked out your other posts too and i'll update how it goes for me with Bitcoin Co.
It's cool that you have had a good experience so far using them.
You have worked out a way to get your btc off of SN. I am kind of lazy, my balance slowly creeps up but I dont know if I really want to spend it on a gift card. My mindset right now is just to keep it on here. SN will let me keep my balance here, right?
i think the plan is to phase out the custodial wallet
Bitcoin Company is the one I use more, both for its available brands and satback rewards. Bitrefill is nice though, I use both liberally depending on what needs buying.