Beside the UI to connect plugin to agents, is there any way to implement it now? i want to try my plugin now
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300 sats \ 0 replies \ @rblb 27 May
Actually yes, the simplest way is to send a PR to this repo with your plugin metadata (you can check the other ones to get an idea of what it should look like). Then when merged, after a while the plugin should become usable by any agent on that has "Use community tools" toggled in the settings. Plugins are automatically selected by an LLM.
Or if you want to self host the entire thing you can follow this guide: And then run the openagents-tools node
There is also another things you need to do that is not covered in the docs. Basically you'd need to fork this repo and put there only your plugin and then you'd need to export this environment variable PLUGINS_REPO="" before running the extism-runtime
We'll make self hosting and testing simpler and more documented going forward.