these supposedly trustless and immutable protocols reneged on their promises like paying you back x amount whenever you want, etc. Many protocols changed their rules during the years I was not paying attention and some would not let me withdraw the full amount anymore
That's kinda funny. Sorry, I don't want to be mean to you and am sorry for you. But it is kinda funny to me that they talked themselves so deep into it and developed this yes-sayer culture until the fundamentals don't even hold anymore.
even if you have the skill to audit a contract, you rarely have the time and you could also miss something. So basically, I call this whole open smart contract trust model bullshit because the reality is that you can hide everything in these contracts and no one is checking.
They just build a jenga tower of software that nobody wants or can maintain. There isn't even a second wallet that people use. And a lot of project build for nobody. There is a mini-documentary by Folding Ideas about the metaverse stuff and even during the pinacle of their hype the actual metaverse was used by a few dozen people worldwide. A dead mall as he called it. It's hilarious.
They just build a jenga tower of software that nobody wants or can maintain.
That's 🥇 😆