It is my belief that for peace in the cosmos, Earth will be required to always wait for the Martian BTC nodes to catch up to our chain. For atleast a few hours daily. This shall be the most important 30 minutes, 40 minutes, whatever (depending on the Earth-Mars separation distance at that time of the cosmic year) ever spent by anybody. Otherwise, nukes and bad blood will fly.
Video gaming to pass the time shall likely get commonplace. Galaga smh.
In a way, it is like the return of slow mail messaging. Instant messaging is great on planetside but cosmic messaging requires waiting. Sit down, be humble. I mean, if you want to transact with Martians and cannot wait for a few hours for your nodes to be in sync, how the hell will you wait for logistics troubles spanning months to years to materialize into profits?
Just shipping things to and fro will take +1 years. Then there is the harsh environment which necessitates ever slower movement to avoid mistakes. Anything multiplanetary level will really upgrade our ability to be patient and to shy away from bullshitting each other (which destroys things quickly). So I really see no future for shitcoins and textbook scams which all need a few hours to pull off. True money like BTC will lead the way by having the hash horizons bridged. Because we need to.