Want to run this by SN:
I noticed more content on YT algorithm coming up that has to do with libertarianism, and that may just have to do with some of my reading / searches. But after a bit I also noticed it's really specific to Mises caucus in the US, within the Libertarian party. The same week, I saw conservative pundits bash libertarian ideas almost out of nowhere (non-sequitur) during a Q&A period.
None of this is new, and I'm willing to submit it could be the Baader–Meinhof effect (frequency illusion), but my thesis is this -- there is going to be a big split in US conservatism between current big R republicans and people who want to go more Ron Paul libertarian. This will split the vote down the road and make it way easier to for Democrats to win votes and keep pushing for big government (despite dismal current administration and policies).
Thoughts and h8 welcome.
Normally I would say that the ways of the algorithm are mysterious. But I have been getting non-Bitcoin libertarian content flushed onto my main page on YouTube and Twitter out of nowhere as well. That is not at all the content I am consuming normally - indeed far from it.
Normally I am not that quick to jump to conclusions or Conspiracies but this time it really feels coordinated and sudden. My guess is that this is a political campaign and some service provider has some kind of strategy on how to game the algorithm(s). I see no other explanation.
But maybe it's just a coincidence that it happened to both of us and it's just some viral content that is dragging side-content through the whole internet with it?
It reminds me of YAF and Daily Wire popularity surge during the Trump/Hillary election. I know there is an audience for that content but people also def mobilized a lot of money on youth/campus political messaging.
"libertarianism" and "libertarian party" are terms used ONLY in US.
anarcho-capitalism is the way to go forward and respecting the natural law
Anything that has a "party" is a trap.
That's an interesting thought! I have noticed a lot of Mises Caucus content lately as well. But i do want to throw in that the US Libertarian Party recently had a massive overhaul in leadership. They've completely changed their messaging to appeal to a younger, millennial audience and they've stepped up their social media game. I do believe that this is net positive over the long term.
My thesis at the moment is that we will have big government right-wing statists in office for the rest of the decade, as a backlash to this current woke "Blue wave". 2024 and 2028 are probably going to swing Republican. Quite possibly another Trump term followed by a DeSantis term.
I've been analysing some demographic data lately, and it does appear that the 2032 election in the US will be unique. It will be the first time that Gen Z and Millennial voters outnumber the older generations. I see this as a huge opportunity for the LP Mises Caucus. Spending the next 8 years on great messaging might actually lead to a strengthened LP among Millennials and Gen Z (& Bitcoiners who prefer small government). The fight is to prevent radicalizing of Gen Z into communist and Maoist ideologies (the beginnings of which are woke culture).
Oi m8, don't worry about this 😂😂 I doubt that woke culture is the beginning of literal Communism or Maoism. Is looks like that because of how Twitter sorts controversy to the top. But most Zoomers are reasonable human beings 😂😂
People are dumb ☝🏻but not that dumb ☝🏻
I hope that you're right and I like your optimism :)