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The bulk of my work I've posted on SN has been written within the confines of my own room. But a few of the more recent ones have been written and completed at a local coffee shop. And now this post I write as I sit at a local Barnes and Noble. Regardless of location one thing does seem to be consistent, I got a coffee in hand! If I'm writing in the morning the coffee is a pick me up but also my first meal of the day essentially since I like mixing things into the coffee such as ghee, MCT oil, 100% chocolate, cinnamon, cacao powder, some half and half, and pinch of salt (I know kind of a lot, but if your curious you should try it!). However, if it's the later afternoon I either opt for decaf since I enjoy the smell and taste, or I'll have my second caffeinated coffee of the day to give myself a boost of focus and alertness. But I digress.
There are times when I attempt to be productive at home and I struggle because I indulge in other less productive distractions, however, I would say for the most part I've gotten much better at being able to stay productive at home. But nonetheless, these recent couple of weeks of getting myself out and doing productive work outside has been refreshing and been good for my overall focus and productivity. There were also phases of my life where I just could not get myself to focus when outside. My mind and senses would constantly get distracted by external stimulus because my senses would be hypersensitive to anything and everything that was going on around me whether at a cafe or a park or what have you.
Anyways, I'm curious to learn where stackers most productive setting is? And what are some non negotiables you may have to get productive or routines that you follow?
I am most productive at my dining room table with a cup of coffee. I would like to say I am most productive when sitting outside on my deck because I prefer that setting but that wouldn’t be true. I get distracted by the birds and basking in the sunshine.
Those gosh darn birds! So beautiful and majestic!
Haha my wife has bird feeders hanging from our deck so they like to come for a visit unless my dog is outside with me. Haha
I can’t tell you exactly when because my timetable is different every day. However, I come to work every day, guns blaring, wanting to get just one important task done n out of the way. Usually, no matter how busy I get or how many curveballs I have to face, I get that one task done.
In regard to writing, I usually post something here on my way to work or during my journey back home. It has become a habit for me.
いあ~ さすがです先生!
One task a day keeps the anxiety away or something like that right? No but getting that one task done is simple yet very effective!
I started at home isolated loved it then coffee shops for sure now an office space roll put party coming soon :) still isolate now though bitcoiners coming in and out nothing like working around like minded individuals now I can do isolation and or team settings
One has one's productive space. For learning anything one should have focus over product and should avoid distractions.
I code from 9pm to 9am then I checkout for the day
Is it where or what time when you are the most productive?
Either or more friend! Where and what time?
My most productive setting is as far away from Stacker News as possible.
Lol true true!
When it’s go time and the pressure is on. Doesn’t matter where I am or what is around messing with the senses!
Yeah I can relate to that, that was the story of my whole public education days! Night before the deadlines I was like Bradley Cooper in Limitless lol
For me it’s mostly when I know I’m not going to be interrupted. The particulars are otherwise negotiable.
I actually prefer working outside. I find I’m more alert in full light. It’s hard to come by in an office setting but I used to exclusively program in my backyard once upon a time.
Hmm well that would make sense honestly! I actually have a light box on my desk that I use to simulate bright lights and it helps with overall alertness.