A few days ago I was thinking that I would like to know the story of how each person in SN got here. Absolutely without exception, we all have something in common that unites us: bitcoin. But beyond alternative names or chance, we are all people with lives and not a simple algorithm, we all have needs, goals, dreams and difficulties here. What made you come to SN? What were your expectations? For me it was the opportunity to write, I usually do it in a notebook, I am not an expert or professional, I do not dedicate myself to it, but I like to write for myself, many of the things I write I do not publish here because they are too personal or depressive ( That's how I consider them). I came here because of my husband, he told me "I know you like to write and take photos, there is a place where you can do it and earn SATS on top of it", so, here I am. My first impression was ok, here I go, how does this work? ... then I found it fun and exciting how they welcome you when your biography is just published, my first publication was a photo, I had no expectations of how much I could earn in sats, I was just publishing for fun. I also loved that SN does not have any type of comparison with other social networks, there are no annoying and intrusive advertisements, you get quality content, kind and respectful people with brilliant ideas and knowledge, sometimes I feel discouraged because I think that I do not have information about value to share so I'm self-conscious, I like reading, commenting and learning from you more. These months that I have been here have been great, thanks for your posts!
Thanks for sharing your experience.
I had heard about SN before at @lunaticoin podcast though I did not step into it until just recently.
Over a month ago , I was publishing some photos in Primal and @TNStacker left a link to try it. I get hooked since then!
I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks to @TNStacker for bringing me over here.
Thanks!!! Glad you're finding and adding value!
Thanks for this great post. For me, almost exactly two years ago I was on bitcoin reddit, which I really didn't like. Someone mentioned Stacker News and included a link. I checked it out and was hooked almost immediately.
Similar story for me. I’m pretty sure someone mentioned it on Bitcoin Reddit. I remember the LN tips bot on Reddit and thinking, wow, people can tip you sats for Reddit comments, how cool! 😎
It's utopian to think that there is a place where you can have a conversation and earn sats 😎
And we've never crossed paths there?!
wow you have been here for quite some time, it's hard not to get hooked on SN, the creators are geniuses. I had read that before they only talked about bitcoin, but then the possibility of having more territories opened up, it is great because there are many topics of conversation that are really important for life, such as politics, economics, general culture, natural sciences. Even better is being able to read about these topics based on real facts.
Yes, things have changed. I don't think there were any subs when I started, then for a long time there was just bitcoin, nostr, and tech. In the late fall of '23 stackers were allowed to create and own subs.
Everything is really very new. I guess that also helped that there were more stackers. SN still has a lot of life left, I believe in this project
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I was reading one of @cryotosensei's article elsewhere and under it there was a link to SN with a brief description. I liked it and clicked it straightaway.
That's all and I must admit that I'm highly grateful to him for posting that link.
And I followed @HattyHats’ article here. But I think he isn’t so active here these days.
It's really very difficult not to want to stay here.
I've logged off of Reddit after another day of idiotic arguments and discussions, only to find myself walking through the same dark alley that is my shortcut to the local grocery store.
As I was walking through said dark alley, both the alley and me suddenly got engulfed in a bright, yellow-ish light; "Am I finally going to be taken back to my home-planet?" I thought, "Are they coming to save me from this mess?"
No, not really. Instead, some sketchy logo started making it's way up to me.
It was clothed in a pretty sleek- but worn-out trench coat, and tried hiding it's "face" under an oversized fedora--- and of course, it had some feathers sticking out of it.
"Hm hmm hm hm" I thought, "All this drama only to offer me some 'free candy'- or 'hugs' again?"
However, as the entity finally stood before me, it was clear that this wasn't going to be your regular encounter with the obscure.
The entity started to reach into one of the coat's pocket's, and pulled out a phone; on this phone was only a single app, and it featured the same logo as the entity that stood before me.
It didn't say a word, but I instinctively knew that it wanted me to open the app, and me being curious, I obliged.
The only thing I can remember is that I tapped the app, it opened, and the same bright light as before appeared, only to have everything cut to black strictly after.
As I came back to me, I found myself standing in one of the isles of the grocery store, only to be greeted by an employee asking if I was going to keep on staring at the dairy products all day; I quickly left the store and have never been back to that alley again.
I've been drawn-in to the app ever since, and can still see the light when I close my eyes...
I was investigating about nostr, and SN appeared as a suggestion, due to it's integration with nostr, otherwise it didn't appeared anywhere else, so said integration was a wise move in more than one aspect!
I agree with you, thanks to that many have come to SN
I don't really remember, but I think that I heard about it over on Nostr. Now I'm actually on here more than on Nostr, mostly because the SN site is easier to use than any Nostr web client I've come across.
It is very true, SN is very easy to use, it is interactive, simple and with a lot of value
I heard their ad on Fountain and wanted to check it out. I had recently started getting off of the Big Tech platforms and I missed using Reddit.
The ad described Stacker News as Bitcoin Reddit, which was really exciting because I was also just starting to explore Bitcoin.
I love reading about their experiences, some mention pages, forums or apps that I don't know or that I've only heard about, I'm like a grandma who still uses the typewriter. What was your first impression when you arrived here? Was it what you expected or better?
It was quite different back then, but I did like it a lot.
The content was all Bitcoin and there was a big divide about whether there should be anything else.
I think @grayruby was the first to really post a lot of non-bitcoin stuff, with his “meta sports takeover” series.
There was a bit of other content especially when the Meta territory arrived but I do think I was the first one to be pushing for more territories. I started advocating for it a few months before I started the daily meta takeover.
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@Coinsreporter has been the reason to take me here.
When he was telling me that there's a platform where you can learn and instead of likes you zap with real sats. I was a little afraid but now in a matter of few days, SN has become a routine for me.
As it is, something similar happened to me, at first it's hard to believe and then it becomes a habit
Haha, that was the best in person meeting I had in recent times. I must say thanks for your amazing hospitality. The dinner was awesome.
Just started my journey on SN in mid-May; it was the logical step forward after registering on Nostr. I love reading articles here; there is a good mood overall, no bullshit. Since everything we write here symbolically costs us, it feels like we are more cautious about what we write and how we respond to people. The focus is on knowledge, with no fluff, no adverts, and a decent amount of memes, but not too many. Feels like we are among grown-ups.
EXACT! You said it perfectly, SN is all that, adding that it is easy to use, it is interactive, comfortable, and the notifications do not bother you when you are busy, there are so many benefits
@Coinsreporter guided me to this amazing platform.
Someone was discussing SN on twitter, don't remember who. It seemed like SN had a positive vibe, and I have been here ever since.
I have the B2B territory, which I put up for just that, B2B people eventually there will be more and business owners who will want to post and also learn from others in the B2B realm. Just trying, repeat trying to point out that B2B wholesale suppliers and B2B sellers, re-sellers, will want to post on SN, eventually, NOT spamming to death, but clean, professional, positive communication, possible products or services can be referenced, or promoted without ridicule. Discussing, tariffs, duties, linking shipping, tracking, import export Harmon codes, ASIN references to from Amazon FBA, etc.
When ANYONE is running a business, time is tough, especially if your traveling out of the Country from time to time.
In regards to B2C, I'm not saying learning how or helping someone accept payments in a coffee shop is not important, just saying B2B circulating Bitcoin via Lighting is growing other Countries, so, SN is great as a reference point for technical and business related postings.
I hope the positive vibe remains.
I was introduced to Stacker.news by a Spanish-speaking podcaster named Lunaticoin.
Luna brought many people here, I think my husband found out about SN thanks to that podcast
I found it via nostr and the Alby discover apps page where it was advertised and I thought ‘ooh a news site!’
It's very easy to confuse it with a news site, but then you realize it's cooler than it looks
I saw someone repost a SN tweet on Twitter and got curious. Though I am not a technical person I was familiar with HackerNews so I decided to check it out.
How interesting! Have you been here for a long time?
Nov 2022 I started visiting SN
How interesting! Have you been here for a long time?