I had to post this in this territory. Sorry, not sorry.
In case you still have an old Facebook account you haven't deleted yet.
I'm not against AI in itself (using it a lot myself), but I don't want to make it easy for Zuck.
Your link is not working for me (I'm already logged on to Facebook)
This form isn’t available This form is only available to people in certain regions who have an active Facebook account. Make sure you log into your Facebook account and then try again.
Not sure. Maybe regulations on offering the option to opt-out differ from where you live.
Is it still worth deleting an old account or has that ship sailed so to speak. I assumed that all of my FB data was already being used.
It's mostly symbolic. Most of your data is/will be used regardless, in some way or another.
FYI, the process is automatic. Putting meta sucks as reason for the objection works.