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112 sats \ 2 replies \ @Lux 26 May
You mean he finished transferring all Mises articles to SN? Jk, I agree
And not sure if he and somebody else, at least apply those articles in real life.
I see many people full of "theory" but in practice are zero "applicants". They still use govID, pay regular taxes, go to vote (libertarian parties), obey all govs rules and just continue to make noise for nothing.
Only few wants to make the important step: be a real sovereign individual and don't give a shit about anything else.
That's because UD has so much cool stuff to say! I always enjoy their stuff, and GR although I wish I was able to spend more time in their respective territories and engage more with their stuff. But I find myself swamped with my normal daily requirements and then ~Music, so much engagement recently (which is brilliant).
so much engagement recently which is brilliant
Congrats! We'll have to think up a way for you to delegate some of that, so we can run into you in the other territories.
I don't have any territories, btw, that would be a bit too disciplined for my taste.
I have always liked @Undisciplined posts and comments. He is a great person to riff off of.
I enjoy the real world experience he brings.
I don't know if it has to do with summer, or what, but the conversations have definitely slowed down a bit.
Getting insights that feel like they come from real people is one of my favorite things about SN interactions.
It has slowed down since that March Madness thing.
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It is enjoyable to watch the leaderboard when it isnt funded. There seems to be a lot less interactions from the higher winners lol
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No, its just around when I started so I thought it was always like that.
At this point he’s the only one.
Everyone just wants to say things that they think the algo will like.
The algo is crushing real conversation here.
Really? I like posts and comments from a few people I know here. You might not be hitting the right articles.....or getting involved in the right comments.
No, I just see the same people getting stroked every day.
It’s simple. People think zapping specific content gets them more sats.
So conversation is stale and stagnant.
Are you talking about me? I consistently get stroked on here :P
No. Sorry if I came at you.
I get passionate. I am a dick.
This place could be great. It’s going to lose to a fatal design flaw.
Haha Its okay. You should visit @cryotosensei, @Undisciplined, @Public_N_M_E, @TNStacker, @grayruby, @siggy47. They all make good comments and flesh out their ideas.
great list
There are more, I just have to search deeper. Consistently comment on things and you can actually interact with them depending on timing.
Aw, thanks!
I'd be really interested in reading a post where you elaborate on that.
Something to know is that the site developers are very willing to adapt the site mechanics when they see a problem. It's sort of on us to articulate what isn't working and brainstorm solutions.
Everything about SN is a work in progress and it's all early.
I suck at posts without numbers, but I will try.
Seconded… would like to hear your thoughts @bitties
I don't totally disagree with this. I think the algo needs adjustment. I was on the site in the middle of the night (eastern time) commenting and zapping people. The new leaderboard rolled out and I started in 3rd and then suddenly I was 4th and the person ahead of me had 2 comments with no replies or zaps and 124 sats zapped. How did they pass me when I had zapped thousands of sats and was carrying on a conversation with 3 or 4 people and zapping back and forth. They just happened to zap the right post or comments from top value stackers.
I am not complaining I get a lot of sats rewards but something is broken with the algo when I routinely see stackers in the the top 10 with 2 comments and a few hundred sats zapped meanwhile guys like Tom are posting great econ information multiple times a day and interacting with commenters and they are ten places lower than someone who spent like 2 minutes on the site. Illogical.
I understand the need to control spam which is why the algo is so skewed to value but it is creating reflexivity where stackers only want to zap and engage with top posts and users. That is not healthy long term.
I agree, but if you look at the graphs for when people post, when we are on everyone else is off. @grayruby when we are posting, most arent replying.
There is definitely a weekday eastern/central time zone posting advantage.
I ain’t stroking it… put it away..
That does happen sadly…
You will always do better here being yourself than being the algo’s bitch…
the algo is rigged anyways. And yes, the algo is a bitch. People will remember my words about SN:
  • do not post just to earn some sats
  • post something that you want others to read and make your voice heard
  • SN is CHARGING sats to post/comment not "reward for posting"
  • you get sats BECAUSE other people WANT to give you sats for your content
  • zap wisely
The man himself, thanks for the advice.
I dunno about that 😂😂😉 I've done better dropping salute emojis on people's content that I like than I have put of content I put out 😂
But I agree in principle, be authentic and people tend to prefer that, the algorithm will catch up eventually, you just gotta keep at it.
Salute emojis pay for the territory… lol
I appreciate it. Since MSM ended, I rediscovered how much more I like discussion than just writing posts for the sake of writing posts.
Same Same. Don't need that pressure. LOL!
Yes, he is posting some quality content these days. I agree. Be it the post about 'Stacker News Pitch or about gaming self defeating' all are great pieces of writing. Also when it comes to posting links from mises, they are also worth reading.