I dont think this is bad. They will probably be conscripted to do some public works. They wont actually go into a war. Helps build character.
Oh no, we totally by accident started a war with Russia... Luckily we happen to have all these new trained recruits we can draft.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @xz 26 May
Not saying there's anything particularly wrong. Other than, I imagine if I was in the age group, had just fallen in love and 'had plans' to move in together and start a family, had plans to follow some kind of career path, or just had plans to read some classic literature, or do nothing and be happy. I might not appreciate it.
It's not that there's anything so wrong in what might become a positive, if taken as an opportunity to embetter, it's just the fact that it doesn't seem to fix much.
We, as a nation, could
  1. Stop pretending that we are not now acting as aggressors, seek to restore ties through negotiation. It's not weak to negotiate, no matter what the media may tell you.
  2. Start looking at actual ways of making the country better again, which just involves shifting of funding from ridiculous boondoggle investment to basic stuff that services locality whilst providing employment.
If governments want to act like aggressors despite the lack of public sentiment, they can get big tech to fly drones at their targets, that way, we know who is complicit in waging war, and that includes, government, corporations and shareholders.